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  2. Enzyme Wizard Descaler 5 Litre Ready To Use


EnviroWizard Descaler is a non-caustic Industrial strength Descaler.

  • Contains a proprietary surfactant based formula designed to break down calcium, lime and rust.
  • Naturally lifts calcium, lime and rust from all surfaces
  • Bio-based and naturally derived product.
  • No Harsh fumes.
  • Can be discharged down the drain.
  • Alkaline solutions, but with a low VOC and high boiling point makes it safer than most products in the market.
  • Replacement for where strong acids are normally


Features and Benefits:

  • A more sustainable Descaler.
  • The product is readily biodegradable.
  • It is a moderately alkaline solution that has been designed to remove calcium, lime and rust.
  • Improved performance. The synergistic effect of combining surfactant technology with nonpetroleum based solvents will remove calcium, lime and rust.
  • Energy-efficient product. The surfactants work well even at low temperatures, allowing wash temperature reductions and thereby energy savings.
  • Surfactant technology that is naturally derived and


More Questions:

Still unsure if this product is right for your intended use? Get in contact with one of our Sales Representatives via the contact us page.              

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